Friday, January 23, 2015

Holiday guests got you down?

Did any of your friends or family complain about how your furniture looked this holiday season?Make your New Year's Resolution to clean up that old furniture and impress your guests! With Easter Sunday right around the corner, you are running out of time to have that old kitchen table refinished. It's time! Treat yourself and give your dining room table a facelift.........

Call me for a quote to repair that heirloom table that has been passed down from generation to generation. Make it look like new! 800.660.0659 Call me today! 

Be sure to like me on facebook too!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

About Knight's Refinishing

Steve Knight has had a passion for refinishing and repairing antique furniture for many years. Furniture refinishing, custom cabinet design and building, antique restoration, re-gluing and repairs are just some of the experienced skills you will find behind the doors of his workshop. Visit the Gallery for photo examples of some of the master craftsmanship that comes from 35 years of experience.